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  • Writer's pictureAnu Saukkola

Young Runescape Player Victim of DDoS Attacks

A kid from Finland has found himself the target of a series of disruptive DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks while playing the popular online game, Runescape. The 15-year-old, known in the game by his username "pureofrune" has expressed frustration and dismay over the persistent attacks that have rendered his gaming experience nearly impossible.

"I've been playing Runescape for years," pureofrune told reporters in a brief interview. "It's really upsetting to have my favorite pastime disrupted like this. I don't know why someone would target me, but it's been really frustrating."

DDoS attacks are a form of cyber-attack where multiple systems overwhelm the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers. In the case of online gaming, this can lead to significant lag, disconnections, and even prevent players from logging in altogether.

"Every time I try to log in, within minutes, my connection drops," he explained. "I've lost so much RS gold in the process it's just really disheartening."

Pureofrune (on the left) has been through a lot lately

Pureofrune's mom is also concerned about the impact of these attacks on her son. "We just want him to be able to enjoy his hobby without being harassed," said his mother, who prefers to remain anonymous. "We're looking into ways to enhance our home network security and are considering reaching out to authorities for help."

As the investigation into the source of the attacks continues, pureofrune’s story serves as a reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist in the online gaming world and the importance of cybersecurity for players of all ages.




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