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  • Writer's pictureJack Hoffstein

Stubb's Advice To Zelensky: Take a Shower & Hit The Bed, Tomorrow to Work

Last week President Alexander Stubb of Finland met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss ongoing security concerns and international support for Ukraine.

President Zelensky expressed profound gratitude for Finland's assistance, acknowledging the significant impact it has had on their efforts. However, he quickly highlighted the urgency of their situation. "All the aid has been used, and we now need more to continue our defense and reconstruction."

In response, President Stubb offered a firm piece of advice. "I have three points for you," Stubb said, looking directly at Zelensky. "Take a shower and get some rest. Tomorrow you'll go to work. That's the only advice you're going to get from me."

While President Stubb's comments may have been unexpected, they reflect the necessity for Zelensky to take decisive action and demonstrate self-reliance, rather than continually requesting additional aid.




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