Millionaire Hustled at Saint-Tropez Restaurant - REVENGES With a Tray of FROZEN URINE

A Finnish millionaire known for his success in online gambling business found himself hustled at an upscale restaurant in Saint-Tropez. The incident, which unfolded like a scene from a Hollywood movie, left the high-roller with a staggering bill after misinterpreting the cost of a luxurious bottle of wine.
The waiter, eager to impress and perhaps sensing an opportunity, suggested a rare vintage. “This bottle would go perfectly with your meal,” the waiter assured him. The millionaire, accustomed to expensive tastes but wary of exorbitant prices, asked, “How much is that bottle?”
In a mix of French accent and perhaps a touch of mischief, the waiter replied, “100k,” referring to the bottle’s price of 100,000 euros. However, the Finnish patron, unfamiliar with the local vernacular and perhaps misled by the casual delivery, heard “hundred mmmkay?” and assumed the price was a reasonable 100 euros.
With a nod and a smile, the millionaire ordered the wine, thinking he had scored a good deal. The evening continued without a hitch, with the millionaire savoring the exquisite wine, oblivious to the financial bombshell that awaited him.
It wasn’t until the bill arrived that the gravity of the situation dawned on him. The bottle, far from costing a modest 100 euros, was indeed 100,000 euros. The millionaire’s confusion turned to shock as he stared at the astronomical figure on the bill.
Determined to have his revenge, he concocted a plan that involved freezing a tray of urine overnight. Under the cover of darkness, he stealthily approached the waiter’s residence and slid the frozen block through the mailbox. By morning, the solid ice had melted, leaving behind a pungent, odorous mess that greeted the waiter with an unpleasant surprise, starkly contrasting the sophistication of their earlier encounter.